Tuition, savings, and more
FACTS FAQ for Parents
What is FACTS?
FACTS is a school management tool. Front Range Christian School has used FACTS Management along with FACTS SIS (formerly RenWeb) for many years. The total integration of those two products is a real time saver for FRCS: advanced accounting; online application and enrollment; grade, attendance, and homework management, and more. FACTS serves more than three million students and families at over 11,500 schools around the world!
How does FRCS use FACTS?
On the business side of things, we use FACTS for inquiries, admissions, enrollment, and finance, including collecting tuition payments, application fees, and enrollment fees through ACH (automatic withdrawals).
NOTE: Elementary and Junior and Senior High miscellaneous fees are not processed through FACTS–payments for those fees should be dropped off at the Elementary or HS office.
On the school side of things, FACTS helps teachers manage their classrooms with features for attendance, grading and record keeping, homework, syllabi, and so much more. FACTS also provides teachers a simple way to email parents and students in their classes about assignments, field trips, and more.
In addition to these benefits, FACTS also provides the Family Portal for our school which gives access to some of the information listed above, as well as a school directory, document downloads, and more.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my FACTS Tuition Management Account?
We encourage parents to familiarize themselves with their FACTS account. It is the best place to find details about your tuition account balance, and payment schedule for the next year. If you have specific questions, you can visit the FACTS Tuition Management web page or call them directly at 866-441-4637.