Attendance is the responsibility of the student, parents, and the school. Consistent, daily attendance is important as a basis for academic achievement. Absences have a negative effect on instructional continuity, regardless of attempts to make up work. The regular contact of the students with one another in the classroom, and their participation in a well-planned instructional activity under the guidance of a competent teacher, are vital.
Elementary School Hours
- Arrival Time: No earlier than 7:40am (8:15am on Wednesdays)
- Start Time: 8am (8:30am on Wednesdays)
- Dismissal Time: 3pm
- Half Day Dismissal Time: 11:30am
Students should be in their homeroom seat by the designated start time or a tardy will be issued.
NOTE: Excessive absenteeism (more than 6 absences per quarter, excused or unexcused) may result in a lowered or failing grade, parent/teacher/Principal conference, or dis-enrollment. Sixty+ days absent from school constitutes truancy.
Excused Absences
The following will be considered excused absences, if the parent calls:
- A student who is temporarily ill or injured
- Family bereavement
- A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity of an educational nature with advance approval of the Administration
- Emergency or medical appointments (medical and dental appointments should be scheduled before or after school hours whenever possible)
- If students will be absent from school for more than two days due to a family vacation, approval must be given by the principal at least two weeks before the vacation.
If your child is going to be absent, it is imperative that you notify the school office within the first half-hour of the school day. If your child will be absent for an extended period of time, contact the school office, prior to the absence. If the office has not been informed of an absence, the student will be considered absent and an unexcused absence will be issued. Persistent absenteeism may result in a Principal/parent conference, a lowered or failing grade, or dis-enrollment.
Make-Up Work
Please refer to Make-Up Work under Academic Policies for information on making up work after an absence.