Lockers are assigned to students each year but remain the property of FRCS and are provided as a service for students to secure their belongings. Any locker may be opened, and its contents searched or examined by school personnel without the permission of the student at any time when, at the sole discretion of school authorities, they deem it necessary to do so. Enrollment at FRCS constitutes consent by parents/guardians and students to such inspections. Items displayed in lockers must be consistent with the philosophy of FRCS Code of Conduct. Lockers will be examined for damage inside and out at the beginning and end of each school year. Students/parents will be held financially responsible for damage, including scratching, defacing, denting, etc., and failure to clean the locker. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items. Students must obey the following guidelines:
- Backpacks must fit in lockers–students’ books and backpacks are not allowed to be stored in hallways or classrooms.
- Students are not allowed to write in or on lockers, even with washable markers.
- Stickers, use of tape, or other permanent adhesives are not allowed to hang pictures or other items; use magnets to hang items – if an item cannot be easily removed without causing damage, it should not be placed on or in the locker.
- No open drinks or open food containers are allowed in lockers.
- When shutting your locker, be careful that coats, backpack straps etc., are not in the way of the locker door, as this can cause jamming and lead to a damaged locker.
- Trading lockers or using lockers not assigned to you without office permission is not allowed.Students who switch lockers or use a locker not assigned to them will face disciplinary action; locker combinations will not be changed.
- Students should NEVER share their combination with others. Those who do will not receive a new combination if problems occur (i.e., someone getting into their locker), or they will be charged a $25 fee to have the locker or combination changed.
- For protection of personal items and books, students should not “rig” their lockers open, so that the combination is not needed. Those who do will be responsible for lost/stolen items and must pay a $25 fee to have locker or combination changed.
- Obtaining another student’s combination and/or opening his/her locker with malicious intent is considered a Category II offense resulting in appropriate disciplinary action
- If a locker and/or combination change is deemed necessary, a $25 fee is assessed
- Lockers are assigned by the office – students may not request a top or bottom locker unless medically necessary.