Due to the low numbers of signups, there is no middle school football team at FRCS for the 2024/2025 year.
Note to parents and middle school football players
In lieu of tackle football, we plan to offer a flag football option for interested middle school boys (grades 6-8). This in house league will meet two days a week for an hour and a half each practice. The boys will spend the first 30 minutes of practice learning and shaping skills from our coaches, and the last hour scrimmaging each other in a game.
We are making this shift hoping that we get some more boys who are interested. The season starts Tuesday, September 3, and ends Saturday, October 5, with a round-robin scrimmage.
In order to make this happen, we need at least 10 guys to play. This allows for two teams of 5 players. If we do not have 10 guys that have committed to play by Friday, August 30, we will be unable to offer flag football. In order to commit to play, please email . Please spread the word so we can make this option available to middle school boys.
The fee for playing is $100 per player. Families who already paid fees for tackle football should contact Connie Rice at the front office () to arrange for either a refund or applying those fees to other sport or academic fees.