Danny Erbaugh is an FRCS Board member.
When Sheri and I made the decision to move our children to Front Range Christian School, we really had no idea the impact it would have on them and our family in general. Our ultimate motivating factor was to move them out of an environment that was hostile toward their beliefs and was actively changing education to fit a specific agenda as opposed to teaching them truth. Boy, did we get that — and so much more.
We quickly realized that FRCS had so much more to offer than simply a place where we could avoid the destructive nature of public school. We were struck by how deeply impacted our kids were by the culture of the staff and faculty. Our kids were now praying with their teachers. They were known by name. We felt we had partners in shaping our kid’s education and spiritual direction. We even noticed that our kids started to pray differently at home. We received way more than we could have imagined as a family by switching to FRCS!
Over the years, I have shared our experience with as many parents as possible in hopes that they would consider making the change we made. My goal was not to grow the school but to have as many students and families experience the same benefits as we did. I truly believe that God is using our school to shape future Godly leaders (in whatever field they choose to work) and raise young men and women who might just change the world. I want as many students as possible to have this same opportunity.
My encouragement to anyone reading this is to remind yourselves of the great things God is doing in the lives of your students and your family through FRCS. Our school isn’t perfect (I can’t imagine any one school is), but it is amazing! After that, would you consider sharing your experience with families you know? How amazing would it be for families in your sphere of influence to hear that their children can experience the same blessing your family has. The youth of Jefferson County (and the surrounding counties) are under attack, and refuge can be found for them at Front Range Christian School. This is most certainly a passion for me.
Anyhow, with all that said, we are incredibly grateful for our Front Range Christian Family, and I hope you are as well. Thank you for your partnership and for allowing us to be a part of your children’s lives.