I Am Thankful
I am thankful for so much about Front Range Christian School.
I am thankful for faculty and staff who pursue fun. It is quite probable that many of the readers will only have a partial idea of how much fun we get up to while working at this school. I initially attempted here to capture stories that reflect the types of fun we have while at work — but I am not sure if I’m ready to put those stories into written form just yet. But I want parents and students and other school leaders to know how much fun it can be to work here, and it is that way because the people here consistently choose to make it so … and I am thankful for the intentionality to pursue fun.
I am thankful for the real parent partnership. As I reflect back on the year, one of the more meaningful moments I experienced was at the Generosity for Generations event. There was a point of that night where parents (and staff, alumni, and even those outside our school community!) began giving to fill a need — not bidding on items; just giving to fill a need. I think sometimes, at the worst of times, it can feel like FRCS exists to offer a service to families (that is not our mission statement). That night — and at many other points along the way this year — it felt like we understood our real mission and we were chasing it together. I am thankful for the many parents who have made it feel this way for me all year long. The partnership is real.
And I am thankful for the students. When my mom died six years ago, students at the school were the ones who helped me grieve and reminded me most about what is true (and what is not). Students, when you write cards and express your gratitude towards teachers, it reminds us why we continue to choose this profession. When you receive our feedback or our coaching and try something in a new or different way, it reminds us to not give up. And when you stay in touch (talking to you, Class of 2023), then we get to watch as you continue to impact the world as alumni. I am thankful for you, I am hopeful because of you, and I will continue to work in education for you.