I find myself thinking a lot about the Virtues of a Christian Scholar lately. It could be because they cover the ECE windows as a constant reminder to the entire campus, or it could be because they are virtues worth contemplating — or maybe it’s a little of both. And the virtue at the top of my mind of late is integrity.
I’d like to think that integrity is what drives us here in our beloved ECE at FRCS. Our teachers model and demonstrate each day what integrity looks like in our busy and energetic days. Teaching little ones the value of integrity can be rather challenging, as they are simply trying to have fun. So we work to help them navigate life’s demands and expectations with sound guidance strategies so they can grow up to become good stewards and disciples. We teach and model for them the value of choosing to do what’s right at all times — even when no one else is looking.
Integrity is not limited to older students. Yes, it can be challenging to explain such a complex concept to our youngest students, but instilling the desire and need to do right at a young age is how we raise up a generation of Christ-followers who live with integrity and therefore impact the world around them. It is well worth the effort.