Legal Notices
Various notices for Front Range Christian School’s compliance with various legal requirements and regulations. Listed alphabetically
Various notices for Front Range Christian School’s compliance with various legal requirements and regulations. Listed alphabetically
Colorado and federal law require that FRCS annually notify its community that we maintain an asbestos management plan for each building of our campus. The plan and a copy of the asbestos inspection report for FRCS (both Elementary and Junior/Senior High School campuses) are available in the Administrative Office. You are welcome to inspect these plans by appointment. If you have any questions about our asbestos program, please contact Christian Fachathaler at 720-422-0048.
We know that parents and staff are concerned about asbestos safety. There is no asbestos in any area currently occupied by students. Out of 176 bulk samples taken from throughout the property, 1 sample did detect asbestos. That sample was taken from a floor tile in a back hallway that is currently covered by carpeting. Since the floor tile is a hard durable material (considered a low hazard) and is covered with carpeting, providing an added barrier, we are currently maintaining this material in a safe condition by our ongoing surveillance, re-inspection, operations, and maintenance program covered in the management plan. Any planned disturbance of the material, such as removal prior to renovation, will be conducted in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations to ensure safe removal and proper disposal.
You can read FRCS’s anti-discrimination policy here.
Required by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, download the form letter reporting vaccinations for Front Range Christian School.
Front Range Christian School values your privacy. See our complete privacy policy here.
This button leads to he machine-readable files from Cigna that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.
Note that before July 1, 2022, the button leads to the Cigna homepage. The link will point to the machine-readable files starting July 1, 2022.
This agreement is signed by parents when they enroll their students at Front Range Christian School. It spells out details about tuition payments and the continuous enrollment model of FRCS.