Federal Student Aid; an office of the U.S. Department of Education
The #1 college scholarship app in the world and has helped students win more than $100 million dollars
The College Opportunity Trust Fund (COF)
Created by the Colorado Legislature, provides a stipend to eligible undergraduate students. The stipend pays a portion of your total resident tuition when you attend a Colorado public institution or a participating private institution.
FRCS Murri All-In Scholarship
The Samuel J. Murri All-In Scholarship is awarded each year to one FRCS senior entering his/her first year of college. It’s intended for students who are passionate about Jesus and who are not necessarily top academic students.
College Board CSS Profile
The College Board CSS Profile is an online application that collects information used by almost 400 colleges and scholarship programs to award financial aid from sources outside of the federal government.
Fast Web
Find your dream school and a way to pay for it
The SmartStudent Guide to Financial Aid, FinAid! is the most comprehensive free resource for objective and unbiased information, advice and tools.
Check out Chegg for scholarship information and more.
Wells Fargo Financial Aid Journey
5 Steps to help in the financial aid journey
A Financial Aid Glossary
(opens a .pdf)
College Data
Bill themselves as an online college advisor