Tuition & Fees

Start your child's journey now

Front Range Christian School is dedicated to keeping tuition and fees affordable for all families — even those with children in special programs. Financial aid, in the form of grants and scholarships, is available on a needs basis to families who qualify. FRCS offers flexible payment plans and many ways for families to reduce their tuition. Please contact our Admissions Office for more options and possibilities.

Start Your Application

When you’ve decided FRCS is the right school for your child and your family, you can start the application online. All new student applications are charged a non-refundable fee ($50 per student for children K-12; $25 per student for preschool and pre-kindergarten). We look forward to getting to know you better!

New Student Application Fees

All new student applications are charged a non-refundable fee based on the following schedule:

Tuition & Fees for 2025-2026

Full Time K-12 Tuition for 2025/2026

Students who are admitted during the school year will be charged a pro-rated amount for tuition. If you are in need of tuition assistance, financial aid may be available.

GradeTuitionCEF*Other Fees**
 Per studentPer studentPer student
   Part-time Kindergarten (4 days/wk)$8,900$200N/A
   Full-time K-6th grade$11,550$300K: N/A
all others: TBD†
   7th-8th (junior high)$13,050$300TBD‡
   9th-12th (senior high)$14,850$300TBD‡

*Continuous Enrollment Fees (CEF) pay for curriculum supplies for your child(ren) and cover other, non-personnel and non-facility costs needed to operate the school. This non-refundable fee is paid each year for students enrolled at FRCS or upon acceptance in order to hold your child’s roster position for the upcoming year. The CEF for new families remains the same regardless of entry date. See the Continuous Enrollment FAQ for more information.

** Other Fees apply to students grades 1-12, are subject to change, and are typically adjusted during summer months; for the most complete list of fees, see the Family Portal to download the fees sheets.

† Elementary fees include school theme t-shirt, class field trips, end of year celebrations, instrument/music fees, outdoor education (6th grade only), etc.

‡ Junior/senior high fees include retreats, yearbook, school theme t-shirt, fees for required classes, special activities, standardized tests, school planner, etc. Sports fees are optional and in addition to other fees; see the “Sports” tab for details.

Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten Tuition for 2025/2026

Families may select either full-day or half-day schedules running Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday. (Full day runs 8am-2:45pm, and half day runs 8am-12:15pm). The ECE building opens at 7:45am as a courtesy to those who need additional drop-off time. There is an annual registration fee of $165 per student ($85 if you enroll mid-year). There is NO supply list with your registration fee.

3 (Tuesday-Thursday)$400/$3800$650/$6175
5 (Monday-Friday)$530/$5035$900/$8550

*Number of days per week 
Cost per month per student

Parents are asked to provide a healthy and nutritious mid-morning snack and sack lunch. School supplies are included and covered by your registration fee.

Helpful Contact Information

ECE Director: Ron Downs ( or 303-531-4542)
Finance Director: Peggy Adams ( or 303-531-4546)
Admissions: Ron Downs or Jeannette King ( or 303-531-4522)


2025-2026 Optional Learning
Program Fees

Note: fees for 2025/2026 are still being determined.

These fees are in addition to regular tuition and are paid annually.

Explore (gifted & talented) program, grades 1-6 – $800

2025-2026 RISE – Resource-based, Individualized Special Education

RISE offers a self-contained classroom instruction environment for students grades 7-12 who have special learning needs. The tuition is $17,800 plus a $300 CEF (continuous enrollment fee).

Part-time Senior High Options for 2025-2026

There is a $100 registration fee per course. Tuition must be paid in full upfront prior to starting classes and playing sports. NOTE: Prices reflect tuition only; there may be additional fees for materials based on the course requirements.

Type of ClassPer Student Cost
Sr High Year-Long Core or Elective Course$2,970
Sr High Semester-Long Elective Course$1,485

If a student is enrolling part-time in order to participate in a sport, the student must be enrolled for the semester the sport occurs (i.e., football is fall semester; baseball is spring semester; basketball requires both fall and spring semesters). Please refer to the current course catalog for a complete course listing. Sports participation is only available to qualifying part-time students.

Athletic Fees 2025-2026

Fees for the 2025/2026 school year are still being determined.

Athletic fees cover the cost of officials for games, shared equipment, uniforms,  coach stipends, transportation to away games, club entry fees (golf only), etc.

Middle School/Junior High

Includes grades 6-8

  • Cross Country (Fall) – $275
  • Football (Fall) – $300
  • Soccer (Boys: Fall) – $275
  • Volleyball (Girls: Fall) – $275
  • Basketball (Winter) – $275
  • Soccer (Girls: Spring) – $275
  • Cheer (Fall/Winter) – $275

Senior High

  • Cross Country (Fall) – $400
  • Football (Fall) – $500
  • Golf (Boys: Fall) – $700
  • Volleyball (Fall) – $400
  • Soccer (Boys: Fall;
  • GirlsSpring) – $400
  • Basketball (Boys and Girls
  • Winter) – $400
  • Baseball (Spring) – $425
  • Cheer (Fall/Winter) – $400
    Rock Climbing – $80*

* Only reflects school fee. Equipment and training center fees may also apply.

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