What makes God great?
What makes God great? Hmmm…the kindergarteners decided he was great in all facets of life, including an eclipse. Our little stargazers had a blast with their special sunglasses, science experiments and pin holes so no...
What makes God great? Hmmm…the kindergarteners decided he was great in all facets of life, including an eclipse. Our little stargazers had a blast with their special sunglasses, science experiments and pin holes so no...
The Preschool Porch is open for business, especially after our March snow. The children and families always enjoy some sun and playtime during the day and we are happy to help. Mrs. Trimble continues to...
Easter is upon us and Jesus is obvious around these parts, with Spirit, love and artwork. Lots of projects and activities that center around, and on Good Friday and the Resurrection. We hope you enjoyed...
Well, the calm before the storm is true to form. The children are stockpiling outdoor play and sunshine before the weather changes…a few extra days of Spring Break! Enjoy some rest, traveling, and gearing up...
From the Desk of Mr. Ron often and each week comes in the form of what’s new in ECE and who takes the cutest pictures. March is here and so is the Leprechaun on Mrs....
The children are creative thinkers, builders, writers, and construction workers…and part of the demolition crew! This week the whole crew enjoyed spring-like weather and winter-like weather. Must be closing in on March and baseball season....
Group time antics in ECE includes a variation of topics, including, yet not limited to: Bible; music; visiting with the local dentist; storytelling, theirs and ours; cooking ideas; and much more. Comedy and entertainment never...
The pathway to success, Biblically speaking, can be as narrow as this path to the dumpster. Hopefully our narrow path as we enter the narrow gate includes all of our wonderful children and families, but...
Inside, outside, upside downs…never a dull moment here in ECE. The children enjoyed a parade from our Kindergarten scholars. Our first ever Alphabet Parade was a big hit! Who said you can’t learn at a...
The kids are back, healthy, happy, and always willing to climb the walls with excitement. Our Kindergarten students enjoyed some extra playtime setting up football helmets and figuring out new strategies for the Broncos…yes I...