Please submit the following information for the Senior Highlight on FRCS social media accounts:
- Address an email to with “Senior Highlight” in the subject line
- Attach a senior photo to the email (should be at minimum 800 pixels wide and .jpg or .png format; if you are using a professional photo, please be sure you/we have permission to share the image to social media from the photographer)
- In the body of the email, Write one sentence that you would like to have included with your photo, preferably something that represents who you are. Examples of something you might write include:
- What you plan to do after graduation
- A favorite quote or your favorite Bible verse/passage
- Something that FRCS has taught you (beyond lessons in the classroom)
- A word of advice for younger students
- A shout out to your friends, parents, a teacher, etc.
And remember that this information is due by March 3.