MS Girls Basketball, home vs Clear Creek
Front Range Christian SchoolThe Falcons host Clear Creek Purple: 4pm Silver: 5pm Black: 6pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons host Clear Creek Purple: 4pm Silver: 5pm Black: 6pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons host Lyons High School Girls JV: 3:30pm Boys JV: 4:30pm Girls V: 6pm Boys V: 7:30pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons participate in a tournament hosted by Gilpin County Black Team will play as FRCS Team A Silver Team will play as FRCS Team B The tournament is an all-day event. Go, Falcons!
The Falcons vs Denver Academy Girls JV: 4pm Boys JV: 5:30pm Boys V: 7pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons vs Aspen Academy Silver: 4pm Black: 5pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons vs. Fitzsimmons Middle School Purple: 4pm Silver: 5pm Black: 6pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons Participate in a mini-tournament with Estes Park and Clear Creek. Games are played at Estes Park (who has multiple gyms, for a total of six games that morning). Each of the three teams […]
The Falcons vs. St John’s Lutheran Silver: 4pm Black: 5pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons vs. Clear Creek Purple: 4pm Silver: 5pm Black: 7pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons host Bishop Machebeuf Boys JV: 4pm Girls V: 5:30pm Boys V: 7pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons host Denver Christian Purple: 4pm Silver: 5pm Black: 6pm Go, Falcons!
The Falcons vs Estes Park High School Boys JV: 4pm Girls V: 5:30pm Boys V: 7pm Go, Falcons!