FRCS Christmas Giving Tree
Let’s fill the tree this Christmas season!
As you drive to our campus, you may notice the Front Range Christian School Christmas Giving Tree in front of the ECE building. This beautifully decorated tree is a visual reminder of the real reason for the Christmas season. As we celebrate the birth of the Light of the World, WE want to be a light and spread joy as a school community.
You are invited to participate in the FRCS Christmas Giving Tree. When you fulfill a need — by adopting an FRCS employee, praying for a specific request, or blessing the school with a financial gift — you spread joy in our community.
Sign up for one item, or many! For each sign up, we invite you to stop by the FRCS Christmas Giving Tree and hang an ornament (ornaments are located in the red bin by the tree).
Opportunities include:
- Adopt a staff member (find your staff member’s favorite things here)
- Support the Timothy Fund
- Fund a specific need at FRCS: Elementary outdoor seating area
December 9-13 is Giving Tree Week
This folder is organized by the first letter of staff member’s last names.
During the week of December 9-13, please deliver gifts to your adopted staff member. Students are encouraged to deliver gifts during the school day. Please do NOT drop off gifts at the school front offices.