Playground and Falcon Forest Nature Area Rules
- Respect each other; respect the property
- No rough play (pushing, shoving, hitting, etc.) or coarse language
- No throwing snowballs (making snowmen is acceptable)
- No carrying or running with sticks, pulling or climbing on trees, pulling grass, or picking up stones, rocks, or gravel
- No lying in or burying under the gravel
- No catapulting from any item
- Balls may be kicked in the grassy areas or on the parking lot, but not at the school building or vehicles
- No climbing up the slide in any way except by the ladder
- No jumping from the top of the slide
- No crossing of established boundaries without permission from the recess teacher
- No pulling another person by clothing or by an extremity
- No playing of games that put any student at risk (as determined by the staff)
- No wrestling or imitations of fighting
- During non-recess times, parents must supervise their children if using the Falcon Forest Nature Area, and children must observe all rules
This list is not all-inclusive; the Administration and on-duty teacher may deem it necessary to enforce additional rules.
Cold Weather
Decisions about cancelation of recess, or moving recess indoors, due to weather are made at the discretion of the teaching staff, office staff, or principal. Students should come prepared to go outside for recess.
The following guidelines are designed to help students learn responsibility and consequences. FRCS asks parents to help their children understand the following:
Any child not bringing appropriate outdoor wear is not exempt from outdoor recess. Parents should help their children learn responsibility in this area.
FRCS will not police a child’s winter clothing choice (or lack thereof). Therefore, if a child comes inappropriately dressed for outdoor activity during snowy weather, it becomes the burden of the child to accept the responsibility for being cold or getting wet. Our position in this manner is to teach a child that responsible choices lead to good consequences and vice versa. We will help a child understand the need to make better choices in this area.