Also see: Academics || Requirements for School Honors || Senior Policies || Annual Student Activities
- FRCS may grant credit for classes that have been taken at another institution under the following conditions: approval has been given by the Principal; the student receives a passing grade; the institution offering the class is a fully-accredited institution; and an official transcript is sent to FRCS once the course is completed.
- All graduates of FRCS must attend FRCS full-time their senior year. Full-time is defined as anyone taking a minimum of five classes and paying full-time tuition. Those students choosing to take individual classes, may take up to four classes but will not receive a diploma from FRCS nor participate in commencement exercises. Core courses include Bible, language arts, math, history, science, and foreign language.
- High school students must be enrolled full-time at FRCS to qualify for honor roll, valedictorian, salutatorian, National Honor Society, and homecoming or prom royalty.
- Honors graduates are those who have met the academic requirements for the Honors graduation track, have a minimum, cumulative, weighted GPA of 3.5 and are in good behavioral standing. The Honors Track requires that students take a combination of four Honors/AP/CCP courses with a minimum of one AP or one CCP course. (Please refer to the course catalog for more details.)
- Valedictorian/salutatorian honors are awarded second semester based on the most current, available course grades. The valedictorian is the full-time senior student with the highest weighted cumulative grade point average (GPA). The salutatorian is the full-time senior student with the second highest weighted GPA. In selecting the recipients of these honors, student character and senior year class load will also be taken into consideration. To be eligible for these honors, the senior must have attended six out of their last eight semesters at FRCS, two of which must be their senior year (see Senior Policies). They must also be full-time students their senior year.
- Graduating seniors will only receive a final transcript if all fees are paid and tuition is current.