Save on tuition with RaiseRight
How it Works
Instead of paying directly for every day expenses like groceries, dining out, clothing, gas, and other common purchases, you can use that money to buy gift cards through RaiseRight. Each retailer gives back a percentage on your purchase (ranging from 1.25%-16%) and most of that money can go directly towards your tuition costs at Front Range Christian School! (You may also choose to designate the money to go to someone else’s tuition account or to be made as a donation to FRCS’s Timothy Fund.)
Anyone can purchase these gift cards to help earn more money toward your account. Consider talking with family and friends to use this program with you! With over 700 retailers, anyone around the country can shop through RaiseRight. You can purchase physical cards at the school directly (cash or check only) AND set up an online account, which will allow you to purchase e-cards while you’re out dining or shopping.
Please email the RaiseRight Coordinator at if you have any questions or if you need the school’s enrollment code.
Want to order large denominations or multiple cards? Email to place your order. Cards are ordered once a week on Tuesday morning after the table closes and come in by Friday of the same week.
All Families are paid out once a year in February at 60% of the total rebate earned. The school keeps the rest to cover administration of the program and other fees.