Joined FRCS in August 1994

It is difficult to identify just one thing that I love most about Front Range Christian School, but I suppose that if I had to narrow it down, it would be our community. Many things have changed since I began teaching in 1994: personnel, curriculum, and even the physical location of the school, but one thing that has remained a constant is the unique sense of family that we have at FRCS. It is evident in the connections that I have with my students and their families as well as the support I draw from the parents of my children’s friends. Truly God has blessed me through His people at Front Range Christian School.
Five books, other than the Bible, that have impacted my faith or career.
- A Praying Life by Paul Miller
- The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
- Young Pilgrim’s Progress by Helen Taylor (rewritten specifically for children from Bunyon’s classic)
- Teaching Redemptively: Bringing Grace and Truth into Your Classroom by Donovan Graham
- The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller
When I am not teaching, my favorite things to do are spending time with my family, traveling, hiking, and enjoying God’s beautiful creation.
As my students (past and present) will tell you, I LOVE a great cup of coffee! I am rarely without my Thermos in the mornings and usually end up leaving it on a student’s desk as I wander about the room helping kids complete their various assignments.
My most embarrassing school moment was when I accidentally wore two different shoes to school. No one noticed until I rolled my chair to the front of the classroom to listen to each student present a book report. Suddenly, one of my quiet, sweet girls burst out, “Mrs. Hart, you have on two different shoes!” Needless to say, we all erupted into a fit of laughter. Years later, when that class graduated from FRCS, and I was congratulating my former students on their accomplishment, I asked them what they remembered about third grade, and they all unanimously agreed that it was that fateful day when I wore two different shoes — what a legacy!