Editor’s note: this letter was sent to Elementary Principal Jill Hart in response to the donation made to Petra School on the Rock in Nairobi, Kenya, from Missions Month. It is posted to our blog as encouragement to FRCS families for their support and prayers during Missions Month.
Dear Jill,
This letter of thanks is to acknowledge that Torchgrab Africa received the ultra generous missions donation on April 11, 2022, with joyous and overwhelming thanksgiving.
This miraculous provision is such a beautiful expression of the heart and vision of the FRCS administration, teachers, and families!
Please express our gratitude for all the prayers, work, time, and energy that was invested into our missions month.
We are writing on behalf of the 1,000’s of children in Kenya who will benefit from each dollar raised and so lovingly given.
It is exciting to report that the final cementing of the roof to the 4th floor is being cured. After this is completed, the inside rooms of the 4th floor will begin receiving windows, doors, flooring, restrooms, and finishing paint for the new library, music room, and future computer lab. We will continue to send pictures of the progress!
We are SO grateful, also, for the hundreds of library books that are being donated from the FRCS library (thank you, Suzy Eitzen!) that will be carried over by future couriers to fill the bookshelves of the new library. And we will have a special plaque made and displayed honoring that this library was donated by our “sister” school, Front Range Christian School Elementary!
May the Lord bless you in supernatural and tangible ways for your investment in the lives of these precious children.
You are practicing scriptural “true religion” according to James 1:27.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world,” James 1:27
Forever Grateful,
Claudia J. Porter
Director Torchgrab Africa